• CGS has been in the supply market of productive inputs doing business in the different Latin American markets for over 15 years.
• Our team of experienced application engineering professionals provides services to assist customers with the imports
and production of industrial supplies with high quality standards at competitive prices.
Besides providing high technology inputs, CGS also provides:
• Development of components and industrial inputs as an approach to reduce costs by improving supply and quality at no additional cost.
• Layout design, project and process management including manufacture, supply, installation, assembly, technical assistance.
and preventive maintenance services to ensure equiment preservation. All these services are provided by highly qualified professionals.
• Production and packaging lines.

We serve the following industries, among countless others:
Home appliances
Metallurgical & Metal-mechanical
Food & Beverage
Construction & Furniture
Chemical & Pharmaceutical
Electronics / Technology
Some countries using CGS platform are Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay , Paraguay, among others.
Our successful experience and good standing over the years is certified by the timely
supply of parts and pieces elaborated in our productive centers abroad.
We provide our customers with the most reliable, cost efficient and professional supply
chain management solutions in the industry.
Our experienced team strives to improve your organizations service levels developing and
implementing custom tailored solutions, maintaining the highest level of service,
constantly testing the market to ensure price competitiveness.
Our mission is to deliver a positive experience to every customer in the solutions we provide for:
- 01. Input supply:
- We designed annual quality programs that include a thorough origin quality control to meet “Just in time” requirements, in order to ensure the normal supply to the manufacturers of mass consumption products.
- 02. Quality improvement:
- We developed components meeting high quality standards, certified in the countries of origin in order to ensure the continuous supply for our customers.
- 03. Improvement in costs of productive inputs:
- Our goal is to generate a strategic cost reduction keeping or improving quality.
- 04. Product development or custom-tailored mould/matrix according to your needs:
- rom 3D design, and prototypes, to the mould and sample production, while evaluating costs and efficiency considering the proper selection of materials.
- 05. Production and packaging lines:
- We are committed to help our customers throughout the whole investment process for the expansion of the production facility, considering layouts, automation and control of the production.
The purpose of CGS is to improve the cost of inputs, supply and quality.
Our successful experience, ethics and good standing over the years guarantees the
confidentiality of our customers from day one in order to promote healthy competition
since when improving competitiveness and quality of your final products we compromise
to non disclose sensitive information that my affect our customers.
Values are the norm of conduct and attitude according we behave which are in accordance with what we consider is right. The values that we had acquired and developed, throughout the years, define our ethics and values in the professional behavior.